How Goal Setting with Employees can Improve Retention

As we start the new year, your insurance organization’s overarching goals are top of mind. You’ve set your sights on growing your customer base, leveling up your marketing, and of course, increasing your revenue. Perhaps scaling your team is also part of your company’s objectives for the year. But have you considered the goals of […]

Insights From Martin Grant’s Women-Led Team on Gender in the Insurance & Recruiting Industries

Our organization is nestled in the elbow of two very interesting industries when it comes to gender equality. Of course, at our core we are a boutique recruitment agency–personal employment matchmakers if you will. But we work exclusively with employers and potential talent in the insurance industry and have thus had more than 25 years […]

How Insurance Employers Can Leverage Lateral Career Moves

With the ongoing insurance labor shortage, recruiters and hiring managers need to think outside the box–and that means targeting candidates outside the insurance industry. As we’ve said before, you can expand your candidate pool and make more successful long-term hires by evaluating candidates based on their skills rather than their past job experience. The same […]

How Creating a Company Culture Can Help Attract & Retain Insurance Talent

We’ve said it before but we’ll say it again: making strong, long term connections between companies and job candidates is a lot like finding a romantic partner. Personality–both of the individual insurance professionals and of the organization–is key to determining compatibility and the prospect of growth together. But even in today’s more holistic hiring environment, […]

Challenges & Benefits of the Remote Interview Process for Employers

You would think after more than two years of adjusting to the virtual hiring necessities of a Covid world that making remote hiring decisions would be easy as pie. But the truth is that getting a good read on candidates and making job placements based solely on digital interactions is a challenge. Virtual hiring requires […]

How Hiring Managers & Candidates Can Capitalize on Hiring Seasons

Timing is everything, right? Whether you’re a company struggling to make the most of your time and money behind job listings or a candidate feeling lost in a job desert, paying attention to hiring seasons and recruitment cycles can make all the difference. If hiring managers plan properly, their job listings have the opportunity to […]

Getting Beyond the Resume: How to Assess & Hire for Skills vs Experience

Have you read dozens of sometimes nearly identical resumes in search of the right candidate for an open role at your insurance organization? Are your eyes beginning to get blurry? Are you dismayed with how few make it into your ‘maybe’ or ‘yes’ piles? With 56 years in the insurance recruiting industry, we have hundreds […]

Pros & Cons of Countering a Job Offer to Retain Insurance Talent

Continually building and advancing the skills of your team of insurance professionals is perhaps the most essential element to your organization’s success and growth. But as America faces the Great Resignation, with almost 3% of the workforce quitting their jobs in 2021, doing this has become a challenge. Losing employees, and with them the knowledge […]

4 Challenges of Remote Recruiting and How to Overcome Them

Hiring in today’s largely hybrid work environment looks much different than it did five–or even just two–years ago. Raise your hand if your recruiting and hiring process has changed somehow in the last few years. Chances are it includes more video calls than you ever expected. In fact, your company may have adopted an entirely […]

How to Optimize Your LinkedIn Company Page to Attract Candidates

We know that the search for a candidate to fill a recently opened role at your insurance organization can often be a scramble. While the position is empty, your team loses valuable time and energy filling in for the extra work and searching for the right candidate. Trust us, we get that time is of […]
