Why Companies Who Offer Remote Working Are Ahead of the COVID-19 Curve

As the current pandemic courses through every facet of our daily lives, there is no shortage of systems being put to the test.

For those fortunate enough to still be working, many have seen their internal processes radically challenged as their organizations reel to adapt and continue to do business. 

Working from home has naturally been one of the most widely deployed tactics in light of current events, and the organizations that already have seamless and well-practiced remote working capabilities have a considerable advantage over their competitors. 

We’ll share some insight on a few of the major working from home benefits (and not just for during a nationwide health crisis) below. 

Reduced Downtime and Lost Productivity

What this pandemic has shown us, is that no matter how extensive your contingency plan is, no one can plan for every eventuality. Some companies are more prepared than others, and on top of that group are employers who already offer employees the option to work from home. When the need to work remotely becomes necessary, companies who have already built telework into their culture are much quicker to continue normal operations.

In fact, not only are these companies faster, many will see no downtime at all, as their employees are already used to accomplishing their job remotely. On the employee side, preparing the equipment needed to work remotely can take time, and in many cases, money. 

On top of that, remote work is very different from working at the office. There are more distractions, and it takes time to figure out what works for each employee. If your team isn’t already used to working from home, their productivity will drop for a while until they smooth things out.

Improved Employee Satisfaction

Before COVID-19 reared its ugly head, working from home was rapidly becoming one of the top benefits employees sought after. More than 80% of employees said that they would turn down a job offer that didn’t offer flexible work options. 

For many employees, the ability to be disconnected from a bustling office environment can give them the chance to accomplish more, even if they only work remotely one day per week. Online, many people are referring to this time working remotely as the “Great Work From Home Experiment,” and many employees are seeing the benefits.

Outside of the benefits of working from home, simply offering employees the option to work remotely shows that as an employer, you understand that their lives change quickly and that you are flexible to help them thrive. 

During a public health crisis, it goes even further, showing your team that you put their well-being before the rules in your employee handbook. When it comes time to push through a difficult circumstance like this, your employees will be more satisfied with their employment, making them more likely to stay onboard, and much more productive.

Flexibility and Adaptability

Like we mentioned earlier, even the best Business Continuity Plan can’t predict everything that will happen to your company. Building systems that allow your business to continue when your office space becomes unavailable not only allows you to continue to meet client needs, it removes the need for you to predict every outcome. Your company becomes much more adaptable to changes, even when they are as shocking as a global pandemic. 

Adapting is about more than finding a new place for your employees to work. With higher retention rates and employee satisfaction, your team is more willing to go the extra mile to ensure tasks are being completed, and deadlines are being met regardless of unpredictable circumstances. 

While we all eagerly await a return to normalcy, there are still several valuable business lessons to be learned and appreciated in the interim, even if they may seem to be only small things in light of recent events. 

Martin Grant Associates

Struggling to find the right talent to help lead your business forward? Martin Grant Associates is here to help. 

Our 50+ years dedicated exclusively to recruiting for the insurance industry has made us the perfect match for P&C recruitment, managed care recruiting, and employee benefits recruitment

Call us today to learn how we can help do it for you.
